Our School

Welcome from the Principal

I am delighted to welcome you to Morton Academy.  Our vision is simple:  ‘to be a great school community in everything we do’.  Our mission is clear:  ‘we want our children to be Made in Morton and ready to take their place in the world. Please explore what makes our school community one which I am proud to serve.

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Morton Curriculum

Please click here to access information about the learning journey for Morton students. Our curriculum is designed to give the children of our community the best educational experience possible. We want our students to be Made in Morton but ready to take their place in the world.

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On the last day of this half term our Apprentice Principal, Mr Watson, presented the weekly star nomination winners with their prizes! Well done everyone! Keep working hard to receive nominations. #madeinmorton
The Richard Rose Morton Academy
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Year 11s - Don't forget to attend your revision sessions next week 👇
The Richard Rose Morton Academy
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Following their success in the County Schools’ Cross Country Championships in January at Keswick, Dylan HD (Year 9) and Oscar H (Year 7) earned their opportunity to represent Cumbria in the Northern Schools’ Inter-County Championships on Saturday 8th February at Stewarts Park, Middlesbrough. The event attracted the best cross-country runners from Cumbria, Northumberland, North Yorkshire and Durham. Oscar, competing in the ‘Minor Boys’ race, finished his 2500m course in an extremely quick time of 9m48s, placing 44th overall. Dylan, competing in the ‘Junior Boys’ race, finished his 3300m course in a very fast time of 12m27s, also placing 44th. Well done boys – your efforts are remarkable, and we are very proud of you! #madeinmorton #teammorton
The Richard Rose Morton Academy
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🙌 GOOD LUCK LILIA 🙌 Good luck Lilia - we are all rooting for you! #madeinmorton
The Richard Rose Morton Academy
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If you missed our production of Joseph - you missed a fabulous show! The students and staff involved worked so hard to present such an enjoyable and fantastic show! Well done to everyone involved! Thank you also to Rocket Theatre Group for all the technical support!
The Richard Rose Morton Academy
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The Richard Rose Morton Academy
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